Gregory Crewdson is the one that looks like a dairy cow

Johannes Wohnseifer (1967- , Germany)
In 1998, he produced an exhibition at the Abteiberg Museum in Germany. He came up with the idea of exhibiting minimal artworks and having a professional skate boarder skate between them. His approach to incorporating street culture directly into artistic context has been highly successful.
Mark Gonzales (1969- , USA)
Most recently, Mark Gonzales was also featured in the music video, "West Coast" by Jason Schwartzman's (Rushmore's Max Fischer) band, Coconut Records. This was a skate video sequence originally filmed in 1998 at a German Museum, but was edited and synced for this music video with his permission.
Cheryl Dunn (1960- , USA)
Her second film, Backworlds for Words (1999), is a documentation of a skateboard ballet, choreographed by artist/professional skateboarder Mark Gonzales for the Stadtisches Museum in Monchengladbach, Germany. The film includes footage of the actual performance as well as candid interviews and documentation of Gonzales performing poetry readings around Germany.
Jason Schwartzman (1980- , USA)
Prior to acting, he was the drummer for the band Phantom Planet (best known for their hit single "California," the theme song for The O.C.). In 2007, he created the pop/rock solo act Coconut Records. The first CD was released on iTunes on March 20, 2007. Songs include "West Coast," "Nighttiming," and "This Old Machine."
In the summer of 2006, NASA announced that the original Apollo 11 moon landing tapes were missing. The video broadcast on television was transmitted through space and then shot off a video monitor in Houston ground control. The originals were better resolution, higher contrast and crisp in detail. No one has seen then this footage. Many have asked questions about the truth of this event.
I have completely recreated a 1-minute segment of the original — where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin plant the American flag with the lunar lander in the background. At exhibitions, I give or sell prints from the recreated video. As the public takes home prints, I erase the corresponding frames from my own.from uncertain location © scott kildall
On a cold Saturday in New York City, the world’s largest train station came to a sudden halt. Over 200 Improv Everywhere Agents froze in place at the exact same second for five minutes in the Main Concourse of Grand Central Station. Over 500,000 people rush through Grand Central every day, but today, things slowed down just a bit as commuters and tourists alike stopped to notice what was happening around them.